NOST Confocal Raman System

Modular micro-Raman, and photoluminescence spectrometer with various laser option. Compact & suitable for routine measurement. All functions are fully automated. NOST spectrometer is the  best solution for basic research and QC.
High mechanical stability  for less maintenance. The spectrometer is capable of confocal Raman, and Raman mapping, hyperspectral imaging.

What the system can provide . . .

Multifunctional Measurement in one frame

  • Raman measurement
  • Photoluminescence measurement
  • Photocurrent & electroluminescence measurement
  • Laser reflection & transmission measurement (bright filed and dark field illumination)
  • Polarization measurement
  • Hyperspectral image measurement
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Our specially designed aberration corrected spectrometer, it allows to provide excellent techniques

Major features

  • Easy to use & less maintenance

Fully automation : motorized control for

laser power, pinhole size, grating, laser line change, shutter and mode selection(image & detection)

  • High precision spectrometer calibration

Built in lamp source for automated spectral calibration by software one click

High precision grating turret for < 0.05 cm-1 repeatability with encoder positioning sys. Built in calibrating module for autocalibration for interchangeable grating turret.